Lawn Care Beyond Mowing: Secrets to a Pristine Lawn in the Ann Arbor and Northville, MI Areas

Lawn Care Beyond Mowing: Secrets to a Pristine Lawn in the Ann Arbor and Northville, MI Areas

The scenic landscapes of Ann Arbor and Northville, MI, feature lush greenery that adds to the beauty of homes. While mowing is the go-to lawn care activity for many of these landscapes, achieving a pristine lawn requires more finesse. Here’s how to achieve a vibrant, healthy lawn that could be the envy of the neighbors.

Related: 7 Lawn Care Tips From the Experts in the Northville and Saline, MI Areas

The Power of Regular Aeration

Aeration is viewed as a vital practice for maintaining a robust lawn. Regular aeration can help the soil breathe, providing the grassroots with access to the air, water, and nutrients they need to grow deep and strong. If your lawn sees a lot of foot traffic or if the soil tends to get compacted, aerating it once or twice a year can do wonders for your grass health.

Feed Your Lawn: Fertilizing

Much like any living organism, your lawn needs food to thrive. The choice of an appropriate fertilizer that provides the essential nutrients for your lawn to thrive, and its application, will depend on your grass type and soil condition. 

Smart Watering Techniques

In the Michigan climate, it is recommended to water your lawn once a week, with the aim of applying 1 inch of water each time. Early morning watering tends to be best as it allows for better water absorption before the heat of the day causes evaporation. A properly installed smart irrigation system can take the guesswork out of regular manual watering.

Effective Weed Control

Battling weeds is a constant fight in lawn care. A proactive approach to weed control can prevent these pesky plants from taking over your lawn. Pre-emergent herbicides applied in the spring can prevent the most common weeds from germinating. Regular monitoring and timely action can keep your lawn weed-free.

Overseeding for Lushness

Overseeding, the practice of planting grass seeds directly into existing turf, is an excellent way to improve the density of your lawn, making it lusher and more vibrant. This practice also aids in keeping weeds at bay by leaving little room for them to sprout.

Lawn Pest Management

Keeping an eye out for pests and taking action at the first signs of infestation can save your lawn from significant damage. Different pests can invade lawns in our area, but common culprits include grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms. 

The Right Mowing Height

While mowing is a standard aspect of lawn care, it’s not just about frequency; it’s also about the height. The optimal mowing height varies depending on the grass species. In general, keeping your lawn a bit on the taller side encourages root growth and aids in shading the soil to prevent weed seed germination.

Proper Pruning of Trees and Shrubs

The trees and shrubs in your lawn need attention too. Regular pruning maintains the health of your trees and shrubs, prevents disease spread, and helps shape the growth of your plants. Removing dead or diseased branches also enhances the overall appearance of your landscape.

Soil pH Testing and Amendment

The pH of your soil significantly affects nutrient availability. If your soil is too acidic or alkaline, it could be hindering your grass's growth. Regular soil testing can help you understand your soil pH and nutrient levels. If necessary, you can amend your soil with lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it.

Related: Common Lawn Care Needs in the Ann Arbor and Canton, MI Areas

About the Author

Through consistent communication among all our lawn care, landscape maintenance, and irrigation team members, Local Life provides efficient and reliable landscape solutions. From our full property analysis during our maintenance visits to the expert design and construction options we offer, we provide a wide range of services for keeping landscapes beautiful. And our customers’ satisfaction is second-to-none. Everything we do follows our core set of values—safety, accountability, continuous learning, teamwork, and integrity. Our knowledgeable team has your property’s best interest at heart.